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Home Entertainment News Tiktoker, MC Yaa Yeboah calls out Fella Makafui, Hajia Bintu

Tiktoker, MC Yaa Yeboah calls out Fella Makafui, Hajia Bintu

Tiktoker, MC Yaa Yeboah calls out Fella Makafui, Hajia Bintu

Tiktoker MC Yaa Yeboah calls out Fella Makafui, Hajia Bintu
MC Yeboah is a popular Ghanaian media personality

Ghanaian media personality and self-proclaimed Youth Activist Equality Advocate MC Yeboah has criticised several female celebrities, questioning the efficacy and safety of teas and other chemicals advertised for shrinking the body and enlarging buttocks and breasts.

She expressed doubt based on personal experience and worries for a friend’s health, stating that none of these items had ever produced favourable outcomes, mentioning a specific situation in which a friend contracted an illness after using one of these products.


Her statements were inspired by recent accusations from Medikal, who said that his ex-wife, Fella Makafui, undergone a belly tuck to promote her skinny tea company.

Medikal accused Fella of importing waist trainers, slim teas, and other items from, despite her promises of utilising organic, locally produced ingredients.

Following public outcry and claims of fraud, Fella has been condemned, with many questioning the efficacy of her goods and boycotting them.

MC Yeboah has joined the long list of detractors, branding Fella Makafui as fraudulent and deceptive, mirroring feelings of suspicion towards celebrities engaging in similar initiatives.

She questioned the scientific foundation for the claims made about various teas and body enhancement products, expressing irritation with celebrities endorsing these goods without evidence of efficacy.

She expressed worry for consumers’ health and well-being, emphasising the negative repercussions of utilising such items.

“Can somebody explain me which science makes the ass and breast fat by using these items? I have a school-aged kid who is suffering from an infection as a result of these products. Only because of these worthless celebs…

“You’re going to alter your bodies, pump fat into your breasts and buttocks, and then come sell us tea that you imported from China? It bothers me that the FDA occasionally approves these treatments without conducting proper due diligence. Fella Makafui isn’t the only one doing this. There are several of them. “These influencers have had surgery to promote these products,” she fumed during a Neat FM conversation.

She went on to say, “People like Hajia Bintu and Chichi are doing it. Are they all not lying? Aren’t they fake? And you consider yourself celebrities… Or you’re unaware that as a celebrity, you’re seen as a social authority. What’s that? Why?”

Directing her rage at regulatory bodies such as the FDA, she demanded accountability and tighter inspection of these items, pushing authorities to fulfil their responsibility of protecting public health.

She stressed the need of resolving these concerns and keeping regulatory agencies responsible for their supervision, as well as the necessity for openness and vigilance in guaranteeing consumer safety.

She remarked, “This time, we’re going for the institutions. They must explain to us why they are not performing their job. And if it is due to the government’s failure to provide them with the equipment they require for their jobs, they should pack own tools.

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